Club Discounts

Here is a list of discounts available to club members. Check back frequently for new discounts.

MINI of Glencoe 15% off service, 10% off parts and accessories.  Show your membership card

The Euro Shop in Lake Villa 10% discount

RCG Auto Logistics  10% discount

NFC Performance Headlights 10% discount

M7 Tuning  10% off website items Discount code CMM2023-10 can be used up to 3 times/member and must create M7 account (no guest checkout)

MINIMania 12% off items except those already on sale and special order items.

MINI Motoring graphics 20% off parts/materials

GoBadges 10% discount

MotoringChix 15% discount

Diecasm 5% discount use code ChicagoMiniClub2008

Advantage Auto Accessories 10% discount Information about renting MINIs worldwide

Bill Jacobs MINI 10% Parts/Accessories

Patrick MINI 10% Parts/Accessories

Craven Speed 5% Parts/Accessories Valid code distributed thru monthly email news

Rear Seat Delete 10% discount

World One Performance 10%-15% discount

Mini-Madness 10%-15% discount constact steve (at) for code