Randy Webb’s Pulley Party farewell tour makes a stop in Chicago next Thursday May 18th. It’ll be at my garage in Evanston all day and into the evening. However if you want one of the remaining slots, you’ll want to act fast. If you’re interested head over to Webbmotorsports.com and check out all the details!
Additional wrapup information is Here
Sweet! I’ll be there at quiting time. And I’m sure all are welcome even if Randy is not working on your car to hang out. I’m officially excited! 馃榾
I will be there to watch, hang out, and grunt knowledgably as Randy is working..
I’ll be there!! I’ll try and get off work early, but most like will show up around 5:30 or so.
cheeburger cheeburger cheeburger, pepsi pepsi pepsi LOL
should I stop over at Sam’s Club and get some goodies for the grill? We don’t want Randy to drop from hunger
Cya all on Thurs
You bring it… I’ll grille it 馃檪
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