There are many cool extras and features on the Chicago MINI Motoring Club website that you may or may not know about. Check out these special features to maximize your enjoyment of our club.
Archives and Search: These links on the very top bar of the site allow you to check out older information on the website.
Forums: This link on the top bar takes you to our NorthAmericanMotoring forum area where you can post your own information and ask questions.
Discounts: Use this link on the top bar to find MINI related discounts on parts and or services offered to our club.
RSS: This link on the top bar will allow you to setup a news-reader feed so you can see new postings on your home page soon after they are written.
CMMC Apparel and Swag: This link on the right side goes to our Cafe Press store where you can buy Chicago MINI Motoring Club stuff.
Club Name Badges:?? Custom engraved name badges to help people remember who you are, and show off your “member since” date.
Lets Make MINI Friends Handout: Here is a PDF you can print and leave on other MINI windshields to say Hi!
CMMC For Sale area: This is the place to check for local deals when buying or selling MINI related items. Please let us know when your item is sold so we can remove it from the list.
CMMC Flickr Group: You can create a free Flickr account to post your MINI photos on the web. After you have joined the CMMC Flickr Group you can share the photos with the club by clicking on the “send to group” button. The pictures in that group will also randomly show up on the Flickr pictures thumbnails on the bottom righthand column of the club website. Tip: Place each events photos in a “set” so they can be viewed together, and can be easily linked to the CMMC post related to the event.
CMMC Club Member Listing: Ever remember a persons car, but forgot their name. This Flickr group Contains a picture of our club members with their car, plus their first name and membership number. This listing will grow as we get more pictures of club members at various events.
CMMC Linkedin Group: This is a professional networking site to allow you to meet others with similar work experience.
CMMC Facebook: This is the Chicago MINI Motoring Club page on facebook. Join up if you like!!
Google Calendar: There are many club and non-club events posted to this calendar. It is available in a web based, Mac friendly, or XML based format.
Past Events is a link to all the prior CMMC events.
Motoringfile MINI Club Mappr is a link to view information about MINI clubs worldwide.