The Next Phil Wicks Event

We just recieved this from the fine people at the Phil Wicks Driving Academy:

The Phil Wicks Driving Academy will hold an event at Blackhawk Farms June 28 and June 29. All makes and models of cars are welcome on Monday, June 28. June 29 is reserved for Mini's.

For information about our academy, please go to or There are a few slots left on both days. Registration forms can be printed from the site(s) and payment remitted.

If you have any questions, please call or e-mail.

Also, we have just announced a date at Gateway International Raceway outside St. Louis on July 24. This is in conjunction with Ferrari Club of America.

I hope to see you at one or more of these events.

Phil Wicks

This is not an official CMMC event but at least several of us should be there.

4 thoughts on “The Next Phil Wicks Event

  1. I've already signed up for the Monday event in June, and I'm about 99% certain that I'll be making the Tuesday one as well. We just got back from Blackhawk last weekend (with Lotus Corps), and had a blast. It's a REALLY great track to learn on so I highly recommend everyone coming out next month!

  2. couldn't agree more with maxwell.

    blackhawk is very easy to handle with a MINI, even when you run off course!

    the grass is nice and smooth…

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