Kings Island Meet-up

Here is the place to post for people interested in attending the Kings Island MINI event on Saturday June 18th.

There is a group leaving the Chicago area at about 9:30 on Friday morning. We intend to meet members of the MINIsota Motoring Society at Dryer & Reinbold MINI in Indianapolis at about 1 pm for a late lunch. After eating, we will head on down the rest of the way as a larger group to the Kirkwood Inn in Mason Ohio.

I am also aware of a few other people leaving the Chicago area later in the afternoon.

12 thoughts on “Kings Island Meet-up

  1. We are going with the morning group.. Once we see who is traveling together, we will try to find a good spot to meet for the start. We will be staying with family in Ohio instead of at the hotel.

  2. If we are meeting the MN people, we might want to try an Oasis along 294 for a departure point. We'll be leaving in the ayem too and would like to be part of the crowd.

  3. The MN people are staying thursday night in Madison, WI and then heading towards Peoria before shooting east to Indy..

  4. The MN group has the right idea. Avoid Chicago. Heck, there are warning signs about the construction up there on the East side of Indianapolis (on I-70).

    Dreyer & Reinbold is an easy on/off from I-465 and traffic shouldn't be too bad that time of day.

    I wish you all lots of fun!

  5. i'm almost positive there was a post on the OL about changing the meeting time in Indy at 2pm instead of 1pm…

    will D&R MINI be hosting the late lunch?

  6. We will be leaving Chicago at about 9:30, and the MN group will be leaving Madison probably about 7:30ish. I imagine both of us will get there a little late, so no worries..

    D&R is not hosting lunch, we are on our own for that. They are just the meetup spot.

  7. Steve, are you guys taking I-65 to Indy on Friday?

    and are u bringing some CMMC stickers? I still haven't got mine yet.


  8. I waited too long and it seems the MINI event is sold out at PKI.
    Any suggestions? Should I just get general admission tickets?

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