Track Days

We have had invites to participate in a couple of Lotus Track days:

The Lotus Corps are hosting their Carl Grabowski Drivers Education Track Day on Monday May 22nd at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in Beloit Wisconsin. Early bird price is $185 (before March 13th). Download the entry form and information HERE.

The Lotus LTD. club is hosting a track day on June 5th at the Autobahn Country Club. The website indicates they are currently sold out, so hopefully if you were interested, you are already in. Additional information is located HERE.

3 thoughts on “Track Days

  1. I'm going to try and see if I can get the day off.

    Steve, glad you have this posted. I was at a party Sunday where Sanjay was and I promised I would forward his reminder notice to you for psoting, but alas I did not receive the email.


  2. This will be my third time going to this event with the Lotus club, and I can speak from experience that they are a great bunch of guys. The MC is a good friend of mine, and has been doing a lot of homework for us “green” guys. There will be video and handouts – It is going to be an incredible learning experience. If you have any questions about bringing your Mini there, feel free to contact me. I can't think of a better reason not to go to work, haha! See you there…


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