July 4th Parade

UPDATE 05/29/2007

This years July 4th Parade will be held in Downtown Skokie.  Time and location information will be updated shortly.

Last year, a number of us hooked up with the Milwaukee MINIs and participated in a July 4th Parade. This year, the Wisconsin area parade organizers have imposed a limit on the number of cars each group can have, that is much to low for the normal MINI turnouts of our clubs.

MOTD Meetup

MINIs on the Dragon (MOTD) is a huge gathering at Deals Gap in North Carolina.

Over 500 MINIs (800 registrants) and some of the twistiest roads anywhere are great attractions for a road trip on May 3rd to May 6th.

There will be a number of Chicago area people in attendence..

Who’s going, when are you leaving, where are you staying?

Here is your chance to post up and hook up!!

Photos by Gabe | Francis |

Video by Gabe part1 | part 2 | part 3 | full drive | Night Run
Video by Taylor

Drive the Milwaukee Mile May 6


Hello Gang, Today started very early for a few members that met today in Gurnee. We had 8 MINI’s to start and picked up one more along the way to the MILE.

Here are Dustins pictures

The cool part is you can print them at YOUR LOCAL Walgreens.

We drove to Milwaukee to meet another 24 MINI’s to drive in together. I think we had the single highest number of cars of any one group, with Vettes a close 2nd. Doing laps was fun, and Cliff made it really fun! While the laps were fun, the team running the Mile event at the MILE really needs some help. This was one of the most disorganized events I have ever been too. Unless there are major changes in how they run the event my 1st will be my last.

Photos by Caren

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