UPDATE 01/22/2012:? This event will not be scheduled for 2012, due to it being too early in the season and also on Mothers day..? We will be looking to do another Cubs/Brewers game next year..
We are teaming up with the Milwaukee MINIs again with a possible Cubs Brewers Game on Sunday May 13th.
Every other year, MINI enthusiasts from Milwaukee and Chicago have gathered at Miller Park for a Brewers vs Cubs outing. Usually this outing as been later in the season, but this year, the only available date for an outing will be in May. Before ordering tickets, we are trying to get a fairly firm feeling for how many people would be interested in purchasing tickets and attending the game.
If you would like to purchase tickets for the Sunday, May 13th at 1 pm game, please send theresa@milwaukeeminis.com an email indicating the quantity of tickets requested. The cost per ticket will be $35. (plus probably around $15 per car for parking) Please send your response by January 22nd.
Based on the response, we will determine if and how many tickets to order. If fewer than 25 tickets are requested, we will skip the outing this season and shoot for a 2013 game instead.
We would be interested in going…if the club goes up…put us down for 2. Let me know if the group is going. Thanks!
But Beth and I down for this. Thanks
We would be interested in going let me know if club is going
Just curious…is there a game in Chicago that we could come down there for?