I know there are several Chicago Area people planning on attending this year’s MINIs on the Dragon event..? Beautiful country, challenging roads, vendors, ?and several hundred MINIs to hang out with.
Add a comment to let us know if you are going.. perhaps you’ll be able to hook up with other Chicago area people for the trip down or back..
I will be leaving Chicago on Wednesday morning and coming back to Chicago on Sunday. ?Eric Toller
I will be going as well. ?Also leaving Wednesday morning and returning on Sunday. ?Staying at Topoco Lodge.
Cool. Then maybe we can convey down there. I’m satying at the Dragon Inn in Maryville.
After missing last year, I am driving down from Massachusetts this year. I am looking forward to re-connecting with my Chicago MINI friends!
I will be going to MOTD this year and would love some MINI folks to drive down with. ?I am looking to turn this into a camping trip if anyone is interested. ?
Beth and I are going to MOTD, we will drive down on Tuesday May 1st and returning on Sunday May 6th.
Thinking of pulling a long weekend… Rolling down Fri am, and returning home Sun pm. Anybody ever attempt this and have good sucess?
You’re crazy man 馃檪
I’m finally registered 馃檪 ? Not sure which day I’m heading down. ?But I’m staying in Robbinsville starting MON pm, leaving SUN am.
Beth and I are also staying in Robinsville at the Microtel. See you there.
I’m in a vacation home about 5 minutes north on 129 from the Microtel. ?I can’t wait to eat at the Sweetwater BBQ (assuming its still there).
I’m leaving Chicago tues after work. Will probably spend that night somewhere south of Indy, near Kentucky.
for those still going… ?CMMC has an FRS channel reserved. According to the Welcome Guide, we will be on channel 14, sub channel 7. ?Drive safe everyone. ?Hope to see you there!
Unfortunately, Mike Schiml and I will not be able to make MOTD this year. If anyone is looking for a place to stay we are letting our reservation go at the Topoco Lodge. It’s a room with 2 double beds Includes breakfast and lunch. They will be releasing the room soon if you want it.
Call me at 815 7917812 if you need the reservation info.
***** Can someone please pick up our bags of swag that will be at registration. Barry (MOTD organizer) said someone from back here could grab our stuff and bring it back home for us. **
hey Mike. ?sorry you couldnt make it. I was looking for you out here. ?Been here since Monday. ?Already ran into a couple of CHGO area MINIs. ?Hope to see a few more before the week is out.