We will be returning to Kane County Cougars on Labor Day Monday, September 5th for another game. Details will be posted soon
POST GAME WRAPUP: We had a smaller than expected crowd, but everyone who went had a great time. The threat of rain never happened, and it was beautiful weather for a ball game. We also got to see the public debut of the new Gabe-mobile.
HUGE thanks to Patrick MINI for taking the time to open up on a Sunday as well as for providing sandwiches, cookies and drinks and a great starting point for our event!!!
For those of you who missed this event (as well as those who were there), we will be having another Baseball event on Monday September 5th (Labor Day), so mark your calendars now.
Oh yeah, the Cougars won as well!!
UPDATE: 05/31/2005 We still have unsold tickets for Sundays game. If you are interested in attending, please send an e-mail to steve@chicagominiclub.com
Okay folks – we've got a great event coming up in early June for both club members and those interested in the club. We will be attending a Kane County Cougars game on Sunday June 5th where the Cougars will be battling with the Fort Wayne Wizards.
We've gone ahead and bought 100 tickets for the club. Now it's your turn to sign up and support the Chicago MINI Club while doing some motoring!
The Meeting Spot: We'll be meeting at Patrick MINI in Schaumburg.
When: Sunday June 5th. We will meet in Schaumburg at Patrick MINI at noon and head out for a group drive to Geneva at about 1:00 for the 2:00 game
How Much: Tickets are only $8 each. We have 100 tickets reserved but there is no limit to how many you can buy. These tickets are being offered to both club member and those interested in the club.
Order your tickets now!
You can order your tickets by printing THIS FORM and mailing it in to our Club PO box. There is free parking at the game, but no grilling (tailgating) in the parking lot. This will be a bit more family friendly than our previous events in Milwaukee.
Remember, order your tickets now!
My car has been rained on, and all shined up and ready for tomorrow!!
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