Grattan Drivers School 10/7 10/8

Update 10/02/2006:

There are still some open spots for the Grattan Drivers school.

The late fee will be waived if you contact Brian Cuyler

This little tidbit of info crossed my virtual desktop today..

A Drivers School hosted by the Great Lakes Lotus Ltd. club will be held October 7th and October 8th at the scenic Grattan Raceway near Grand Rapids Michigan.

Check out this link for registration and contact information.

Sheridan Run wrapup


18 MINIs braved a cool drizzly morning meetup at Montrose harbor.

We took to the streets for a casual blitz up Sheridan road. One MINI almost got in trouble sneaking past a graveyard a little too quickly, but Road Warrior Conrad stepped up and saved the day. The rest of the trip was uneventfull and we spent most of the time gawking at the beautifull homes and early fall views of trees and the lakefront. The weather kept improving the farther along we went. We ended up at a late morning breakfast at the Full Moon Cafe, along with a chance to talk and visit for a while.

What a great way to spend a Sunday morning!!!

Pictures from Francis | Taylor |
Video by Blake

Here is the Link to the original post.

Bungalow Tour 10/14

Pleasant Home

Join us for a morning of fun and a chance to view some cool architecture in Oak Park/River Forest area..

What: Scavenger hunt

Where: Pleasant Home Foundation (PHF), 217 S. Home Ave. Oak Park

When: Saturday October 14th 9:00 am
In conjunction with the Pleasant Home Foundation’s Beautiful Bungalows tour, CMMC will be having an architecture scavenger hunt.
We will meet up at 9:00 am on October 14th at the Pleasant Home with priority parking in the driveway off Pleasant Street.
A scavenger hunt card will be handed out to all drivers and navigators showing pictures of five famous houses in a bounded area in Oak Park.
The object is to find the houses based on the photos and write down the addresses, and return your completed card to the Pleasant Home within a specified time.

For all the MINIs that get all five houses correct, we will have a drawing for some fabulous prizes from  Patrick MINI. Coffee and doughnuts generously provided by PHF.

If you are interested in taking the official tour afterwards, club members will receive a five dollar discount on the Bungalow Tour (be sure to put your member number on the application).

Mark your Calendars

Here are a couple of events comming up in October.

We will have more details soon, but you can save the dates now for some fun!!

October 14th: Bungalow tour, Oak Park/River Forest

We will be having an event around the Pleasant Home Foundation’s annual Bungalow tour

October 29th: Starved Rock

This will be our 3rd annual trip down to Starved Rock State Park. A great drive and a great destination. We will be meeting at 9:30 at Patrick MINI in Schaumburg and hitting the road at 10:00.

Milwaukee Fall Drive 9/17

Join the Milwaukee MINIs for their Fall Foliage Poker Run on Sunday Spetember 17th.

Wisconsin meetup is at 8:45 in the American TV parking lot and the end will be around noon at the Water Street Brewery in Delafield Wi.

RSVP to if you are interested in attending.

Also check out this post for additional details.

Chicago area people interested in attending, add a comment and we can try to find a meetup time and place to travel up together.