Hooked on Driving

Rob Schermerhorn wated to pass along a reminder that the final Hooked On Driving event in the area will take place on Saturday October 24th at Autobahn..

When was the last time you drove over the posted speed limit without worrying about receiving a speeding ticket?

Hmmm? Do you have a special “Get out of jail free” card? I don’t… for the public roads, but I can grant you to drive as quickly as your abilities allow without concern for points accumulating on your driver’s license….
… at Autobahn Country Club in Joliet, IL on Saturday October 24!

Join us and your fellow automotive enthusiasts for the thrill of your lifetime, free to go full-throttle, learning the capabilities of your car AND discovering driving techniques that will help you become a more aware driver every time you get behind the wheel!

We’re dividing participants into three groups: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced; non-competitve so you can drive at your own pace without concern.

Advanced Performance Drivers: Attention, our Advanced run group is lightly populated, register now and as of today you’d likely turn many laps without any traffic.

Saturday October 24 at Autobahn will also be a pretty cool HOD “Cars and Coffee” type event, so if you’d just like to check out the event there’s no charge, just RSVP if you’d like to have lunch with us ($15.00 is for our caterer at Autobahn). We’ll have plenty of coffee available for free. Plus, ask to get on the “hot-lap” ride list, first come, first served!

Call or email with questions!

Register online or we’ll take your info over the phone.

Rob Schermerhorn
Director, Great Lakes region
Hooked On Driving
P: 847.380.9508
M: 847.638.4226
F: 269.585.6013