Detailing Seminar June 25th

WRAPUP: A beautiful day brought out about a dozen people or the Seminar.  We learned that diferent types of scratches required different techniques, and to use the technique that causes the least amount of wear on the clear coat to get the job done.  We are able to practice using claybar and hand polishes, and also use an orbital polisher to take deeper scratches out of a practice hood.  Afterwards we were treated to burgers and brats and we were even given a goody bag with some sample products.

Huge thanks to Jim and his crew at Dr. Beasley’s for spending the session demonstrating techniques and answering all our questions, and to Greg and his Smartbox crew for hosting the event and providing and cooking up all the great food for us!!!

Photos by: Steve

Lots of people have questions about how to best keep your MINI looking like new, and we are going to have the answers..

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AHCA Spring Gymkhana

The Chicagoland Austin Healey and MG clubs are having a little Gymkhana/Autocross event this Sunday Jun 12th in Warrenville, and have extended and invitation for Chicago MINI Motoring Club members to attend.  This will likely be a very tight and twisty course that will be challenging for our “large” MINIs to run,  but it should be a bunch of fun.

WRAPUP:   Perfect weather, and a fun crowd of really cool cars.  Jim M. was fast car of the day in his M Coupe, and Steve was first place (and only) MINI 😉

Photos by Demetri | Edi

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New Glarus Overnighter


WRAPUP:  A little rain, a little sun, a little warm, a little cold, we had it all.  About 25 MINIs from several area clubs participated in some really fun driving, a bit of Wisconsin culture, and some visiting time with MINI friends.  Huge thanks to Paul and Barbara for the tremendous amount of work requires to plan, organize, lead and put this event together.  Thanks also to members of M.I.N.I, Mad City MINIs, and the Milwaukee MINIs for joining with us to make such a fun event!!

Please send links of pictures to and I will add them here..

Photos by: Steve | Robin & Michael | Bob |

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Non Club events

We have a section on the bottom right hand side of this website for Non-Club events that may be of interest to CMMC members.

These generally contain a link to the information about the event.  I had a couple events cross my virtual desktop in the past week or so that do not yet have all the details available on the internet, so they are listed here..

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Champagne British Car Festival


David Fitch, from the Champagne British Car festival has invited our club to participate in their 20th annual in Bloomington Illinois on June 3rd thru the 5th..

Mini and MINI Coopers old and new, are this years featured marques.

Pre-registration is only $15, and if you get your registration in before May 6th, you can send in an image of your car to be included in the official show program along with your name and club affiliation!!

Check out the official website linked below for more information,  registration details and even some cool pictures by and of some of our CMMC club members!

Add a comment below to let us know that you are attending..